Koh Kong: Koh Kong’s Dara Sakor International Airport is expected to be finished in October. The airport located at Botum Sakor district is being developed by Chinese firm Tianjin Union Development Group. It is anticipated to be able to handle long-haul aircraft such as Boeing 777 and Airbus A340.
Minister in charge of the State Secretariat of Civil Aviation, Mao Havannall, says the two parties have already discussed the preparation for the construction completion and the test in accordance with the technical specifications toward an official launch of the airport. Its test launch is planned to be conducted late this year.
UDG invested $3.5 billion for the construction of the airport with a land area of 4.5 hectares. It is one of three airports currently under construction in Cambodia, and the other two are the new Phnom Penh international airport located in Kandal and Takeo provinces, and the new Siem Reap International Airport.